<aside> 📢 RPweb v2 performs the most stabilized performance, especially when recording bulk videos. RPweb v2 support various resolution selection, and its ability to integrate with other program enhance the work performance.


<aside> ❗ Download the RPweb v2 to work computer


Logistics packing video solution, Realpacking

A. Download RPweb v2(PC ver. )


B. Loading RPweb v2(PC ver.)

1. Sign-in

<aside> ❗ Please connect the webcam to the laptop before opening the Client.



Worker | Sub-account ID can be managed on [ Web Manager → Settings → Manager Workers ]

2. Initial Setup

<aside> ❗ Click the [Camera Setting]on the bottom right of the screen after sign into RPweb v2


rpweb v2.jpg

▶ Detail


C. Recording Mode

1. Normal mode

<aside> ❗ Scan the barcode to start the recording, and when finished packing products, scan the same barcode to end the recording.


  1. Scan barcode [Start recording]
  2. Scan barcode after all the packing is done [End recording]


2. Compact Mode

<aside> ❗ Compact mode (a.k.a. PiP mode) minimize the screen size. It is useful for worker who works with other programs such as the Warehouse management system (WMS) on the main screen.


Recording method is same as normal mode.


3. Inspection Mode

<aside> ❗ For it to work, inspection mode must be [on] and order information uploaded.


▶ Option for inspection mode

(1) Order Inspection: Automatically inspect after registration of order information

(2)  Order Inspection: Automatically inspect after registration of order information

▶ Upload order information

(1) Upload order information in Excel form

Click here to learn more about how to upload order information

4. inspection mode_1.gif

Contact US

<aside> ✅ Learn more about Realpacking through consulting with our expert!


<aside> ❓ If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. ☎️ 02-856-8864 Thank You
